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Tags: Aristotle, Geocentric World System, Ptolemy, Almagest, Plato, Crito, Socrates, Hobbes, Plato's theory of forms, Nebuchadnezzar, second coming, Christ, US Constitution, Platos Academy, Thomas Aquinas, Divine Mover, Teleology, evolution, evolutionary theory, Carl Sagan, Julian Huxley, Darwinianism, Charles Darwin, communism, Isaac Asimov, David A. Noebel, Understanding the Times, Darwinian myth, Hitler, Epicurus, Epicurean, Atomists, Greek Atomists, Redi, Louis Pasteur, Lucretius, St Augustine, City of God, Social Darwinism, Nazi Germany, David Noebel, Vincent Sarich, University of California Berkeley, Dr. Duane Gish, Institute for Creation Research, Christian Church , Middle Ages, Queen Isabella, Castile, Columbus, Thomas Aquinas, Nicolaus Copernicus, De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium, Heliocentric World System, Jean Lamark

The Original Mover

Aristotle (384-322 B. C.) carried on in Greek philosophical thought in the wake of his teacher, Plato. When he was eighteen years old, Aristotle entered Plato's Academy and remained there for about twenty years. Plato acknowledged Aristotle as the school's prized student and dubbed him the "intelligence of the school" and the "reader".

At around 343-342 B. C., Aristotle was solicited by Phillip II, king of Macedonia to supervise the education of his young son Alexander. This young man eventually grew up to become Alexander the Great who built the third great kingdom seen in Nebuchadnezzar's dream concerning the end of time. Therefore the link between humanism and the kingdoms of the world, that would herald the coming of the kingdom of God, had been established. At that point in history, the die was cast for humanism, as it assumed its allotted position in world history as the philosophy of the world kingdoms. It was destined to become a cornerstone in the formulation of the kingdoms whose existence will one day usher in the knew age when Christ returns to reclaim the world for His own. The emergence of Aristotle marked the beginning of the end.

Crito was one of the young men who followed Socrates around. "What will people think or say?" was primary on his mind. He recorded the Socrates theory of law. This theory stated that though there is bad law as well as good law, even bad law is better than no law at all. Even the law of a tyranny is better than no law at all. To break one law is to undermine all law and invite anarchy.

Hobbes proclaimed that anarchy is worse than any tyranny. It is better to have one tyrant than many. Law is what defrays anarchy, which is the tyranny of a populace out of control. Again we see the ultimate end in a democratic system governed by people who will not submit themselves to the higher law of God. For if that ultimate law is not obeyed, then who will govern those who rule.

We see in our society today that the Constitution is now being subjected to the mind of individualistic man in its interpretation. That is why we see decisions made in our national community that defy the intentions of its founders. Remember, Hitler gained his power under the shelter of a constitution. Likewise Satan will find fertile ground for establishing his tyranny in the life of one who does not submit his life to the higher law. So you see, it is the rebellion of individualistic man against external law that will usher in the final kingdom of this world which will be ruled under the hand of the world's last tyrant, the antichrist.

Aristotle dealt with the ultimate cause of all motion. Centuries later, Thomas Aquinas dealt with the same issue to resolve that all movement was initially instituted by a Divine Mover. But this was not the direction of Aristotle's thinking.

". . .since that which is moved," Aristotle wrote, "which is moved must be moved by something, and the first mover must be in itself unmovable, and eternal movement must be produced by something eternal and a single movement by a single thing. . ."

Aristotle, though, did not assign God-like characteristics to his original mover. Borrowing from Plato's theory of forms, he proposed that there are forms behind the movements that we see in the world. Noticing, for example, the movement of heavenly bodies, Aristotle concluded, ". . . there must be substances which are of the same number as the movements of the stars, and in their nature eternal, and in themselves unmovable, and without magnitude, for the reasons before mentioned."

Those forms behind the movement of heavenly bodies he designated as "spheres". For each movement in a planet, for example, there is a "sphere" which created the movement. Therefore, according to Aristotle, there is a sphere that causes a planet to rotate, another that causes it to circle the earth, and so on.

As a result of this contention, Aristotle presented a Godless notion of the universe that was moved by "substances" rather than the hand of Divinity.

Aristotle explained that reality is encompassed in working towards some goal; reaching ultimate good. He developed the position of Teleology which explains the present in terms of the future.

So a fish developed eyes because he wanted to see. I suppose the gills came because he felt the need to breath. How convenient! I suppose that's where his mysterious evolutionary legs came from. He wanted to climb a mountain, or at least take a stroll on the beach with his date.


Evolutionary Madness

All jesting aside, it is unnerving to realize how this type of thinking has effected how so many have come to interpret the empirical evidence in the world. Throughout history the philosopher has stood out as the creator of thought that has governed man's actions. Their method of reasoning has given us the theory of man's goodness resting in evolution.

Evolution embraces the law of natural selection proposing that the species have established themselves through a random system governed by the law of survival of the fittest. Yet some how the evolutionists suppose that this randomness will lead to ultimate good as the species continue to evolve to perfection. Man himself is involved in the evolutionary process being transformed into a higher state that will eventually begat a race of improved beings.

In spite of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, evolutionists contend over-and-over again that their unsubstantiated theory if fact. Therefore, Carl Sagan proclaimed, "Evolution is a fact not a theory."

This claim was echoed by Julian Huxley who insisted, "The first point to make about Darwin's theory is that it is no longer a theory but a fact. . . Darwinianism has come of age so to speak. We are no longer having to bother with establishing the fact of evolution."

Isaac Asimov assured, "Today, although many educators play it safe by calling evolutionary ideas 'theory' instead of 'fact,' there is no reputable biologist who doubts that species, including Homo Sapiens, have developed with time, and that they are continually, though slowly, changing."

Comments such as these not only ignore the empirical evidence, but they are outright lies. The very fact that the evolutionists would dare to deliberately distribute falsehood clearly demonstrates that their motives are untrustworthy. Indeed, one becomes aware of the "fact" that evolutionists have motives behind the propagation of their belief other than the furtherance of science.

One also becomes cognizant of the fact that evolution is necessary for the continuance of their world view. The theory of evolution is necessarily the foundation of communism. "Engles," wrote David A. Noebel in Understanding the Times, "saw history likewise evolving from its original state of primitive communism (thesis) to private property (antithesis or negation) to a new type of communism or common ownership of property (synthesis or negation of the negation). Since the dialectical process is eternal, it follows (and should be noted) that there is never a resolution, even after the establishment of a worldwide classless society."

Therefore, the historical dialectic process of communism never ends, just as the historical evolutionary process never ends. According to the communist, society will evolve from capitalism to communism to something unknown just as evolution sees the progression of the species toward some unknown.

Without evolution, the entire communistic system falls. Communism is genuinely dependent upon the claims of Charles Darwin. Obviously those who avidly promote evolution in spite of the fact that the theory is scientifically groundless have too much to loose if they back away from their position. They would have to sacrifice their materialistic world-view and the communist system that view sustains.

Yet Soren Lovtrup commented, "I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the greatest deceit in the history of science."

It is preposterous to think that such a system founded in the belief of transformation through death and destruction of the weak could lead to improvement of any kind. The realm of Hitler stares in the face of such declarations, and surely the present state of the world testifies against this belief as well. Anyone who will be honest in his evaluation has to conclude that reality isn't encompassed in reaching towards the hope of the future in the goodness of mankind. Indeed, man appears to be heading towards an unfruitful end in his continued rebellion against God.

The concept of the atheism embraced by the evolutionary theory had its beginnings way back in ancient history. Epicurus believed that the universe is static and will never change. ". . .The universe," he proclaimed, "always was such as it is now, and will always be the same. For there is nothing into which it changes: for outside the universe there is nothing which could come into it and bring about change." He was, in fact, proposing the notion of materialism to contend against the surety of the absolute God, Who changes His creation as He pleases.

Epicurus reduced the explanation of the nature of the universe to the existence of atoms. Atoms, he defined, are "indivisible and unalterable" compounds which form all bodies of mass. He wrote, ". . . they are completely solid in nature, and can by no means be dissolved in any part. So it must needs be that the first-beginnings are indivisible corporeal existences."

In the mind of Epicurus the beginnings of the universe could be found in these unchanging and undividable Atoms. Because he assigned to Atoms the characteristics of eternity, he had granted them the attributes of God, for God is unchanging and undividable. Therefore, Epicurus asserted that "the atoms and the void (between them) are the cause" of all existence. He felt that an understanding of the nature of atoms "afford a sufficient outline for our understanding of the nature of existing things" because "the atoms do not change at all."

Though Epicurus admitted that the cause of all things must be "imperishable and should not possess the nature of what changes," because he defined atoms as having these attributes, there was no need to insert God into the equation. The supernatural world need not be applied in this materialistic system that founded its belief upon the so-called eternal existence of atoms.

Modern science disproved Epicurus' theory that atoms are both unalterable and are indivisible. This discovery is how atomic energy has been unleashed. Therefore, there was no person residing in Hiroshima during the final days of WWII who could call himself an Epicurean. Atoms do not carry within their nature the attributes of God. They are perishable.

However, in spite of the fact that modern science contradicts the Atomists' contention, modern materialists have again made atoms their gods by saying that all reality can be explained through the existence of these minute particles. Out of this premise, they have devised evolution, which ultimately reduces the explanation of the existence of all life-forms down to the activity of atoms. Had Epicurus discovered that atoms are perishable, he would have been forced to abandon his materialist theory. The materialists today would do well to consider the evidence of their own findings and admit there is a God.

Lucretius, a follower of Epicurus, was an early materialists who explained the nature of the universe expounding on the thoughts of the Greek atomists. To the philosophers of ancient Greece, the atom was not the tiny particle that we know today. What they were referring to was the ultimate unsplittable particle of matter, absolutely eternal and solid from which everything is built.

Though believing in the gods, Lucretius felt they were made of atoms that were designed smooth so that their bond would hold longer than the rough, craggy ones that made up beings that were less eternal. Yet even these creatures, though created in a superior way would eventually be extinguished as well.

To this man the mind and soul are each made up of this same material, merely illusions formed by these infinitesimal particles in motion. Since all part of ones existence is made up of these fragments, death is merely the dispersion of body, soul, and spirit. There is nothing eternal in this system except for that small speck. Death is a total void. You can't experience it. There is absolutely no hope in this doctrine, and history has shown that it is one that man cannot live with for very long.

The Atomists of Rome have shown us there is nothing new in evolution. "Epicurus in Atoms," wrote Saint Augustine, "that is, minute indivisible and imperceptible corpuscles. And so the rest, whose names it is needless to mention, who maintain that bodies, simple or compound, animate or intimate, but nevertheless material, were the root of all reality.

"The Epicureans, for example, believed that life could be produced from lifeless matter."

This materialistic error has been carried on in Western thinking throughout the centuries. For example, people believed that spoiled meat turned into white worms. That was until a man named Francesco Redi came unto the scene.

Redi decided to perform an experiment to determine whether or not the Atomists were right in their contention that life could be produced through lifeless matter. He placed meat in two jars, one which was left open and the other covered with a fine cloth. Though the meat in both jars spoiled, only the meat placed in the jar left completely open developed white worms.

Upon further experimentation, Redi noticed that there were flies crawling all over the meat that had been left unprotected. Then he noticed that the flies laid eggs on the spoiled meat. The white worms hatched out of the eggs and eventually matured into flies.

But people still believed that bacteria evolved from non-living things. This idea was finally disproved in the 1860s, when Louis Pasteur demonstrated that bacteria would not appear in a substance if it were sterilized by boiling and if a filter was placed on top which would not allow bacteria to get in. This is why we have pasteurized milk.

Therefore, it was proved that spontaneous generation does not occur in the world today. Indeed, the Greek Atomists were wrong. Life did not come from lifeless matter.


The God of Evolution

Therefore, we know that belief in spontaneous generation is not according to the findings of science. Pure science demonstrates that spontaneous generation is a myth. Yet the belief in spontaneous generation is necessary in any materialistic system. However, any belief in this magical occurrence must be made on faith alone. It is faith, rather than fact that lies underneath the doctrine of evolution. Since evolution is based on faith rather than fact, it is religion rather than science.

Originally, humanists admitted that their materialistic faith founded upon evolution was a religion. However, since the teaching of religion in our schools has been made illegal, humanists have run for cover, all the while denying the religious foundations of their belief. Yet evolutionists themselves admit the pantheistic beliefs they hold. Carl Sagan wrote, "But if humans can make new varieties of plants and animals, must not nature do so also? This related process is called natural selection. That life has changed fundamentally over the eons is entirely clear from the alterations we have made in the beasts and vegetables during the short tenure of humans on Earth, and from the fossil evidence."

Pantheists believe that all is one and all is god. In the pantheist's mind, nature is as much the revelation of god as humanity is. Therefore, Sagan has made the analogy that is man is creative, then nature is evermore so. Man and nature are being portrayed as comparable. Nature is attributed with possessing the same creative powers as man possesses. In fact, nature's creative powers outshine those of man. This creative attribute superior to mankind's is one that is designated for God Himself. Nature, therefore, is the god of the evolutionists. This is clear-cut pantheism, the oldest world religion conceived in Babylon.

"To me, the god of evolution is simply 'chance' itself," Douglas Spanner explained, "Now man has had, ever since his primal act of disobedience, a sad but understandable reluctance to meet God. However, he cannot help being a religious animal; so what does he do? He makes his own gods, of a sort which won't impose unacceptable demands on him and which he can manipulate. The mysterious and unknown, of course, must enter into their constitution, or they would hardly be gods. So he looks around for a suitable material, and Chance suggests itself as an eligible candidate. It accordingly becomes deified, an active agency in its own right."

Therefore, Julian Huxley foresaw a new religion being created as mankind continues to develop in the evolutionary process: "The emergent religion of the near future could be a good thing. It will believe in knowledge. It will be able to take advantage of the vast amount of new knowledge produced by the knowledge-explosion of the last few centuries in constructing what we may call its theology -- the framework of facts and ideas which provide it with intellectual support: It should be able, with our increased knowledge of mind, to define man's sense of right and wrong more clearly, so as to provide a better moral support, and to focus the feeling of sacredness on fitter objects."

When evolution is applied to social ethics in this manner, the designation for the system is "Social Darwinism." Social Darwinism developed upon the foundation that Huxley suggested and produced the holocaust in Nazi Germany. This is the religion that the evolutionist proposes.

According to David A. Noebel, the evolutionists have even created a possibility for eternal life in a materialistic cosmos. "As one might expect," Noebel wrote in Understanding the Times, "some Humanists try to circumvent man's mortality in an effort to create a more appealing notion of utopia. By granting the evolutionary process a state of wisdom usually reserved for God, they claim that progress will one day guide man to an evolutionary form that fosters immortality. For example, Victor Stenger claims that computers are the next step in the evolutionary ladder and says that since their memory banks are basically immortal, mankind "also can become immortal. It should be possible in the future to save the accumulated knowledge of an individual human being when he or she dies, perhaps even those thoughts which constitute consciousness will also be saved, and the collective thoughts of all human beings will be continued in the memory banks of computers."

In spite of the evolutionist's misguided faith, we depend upon the fact that spontaneous generation is a fable. Before spontaneous generation was disproved, patients died from operations because physicians did not know to wash their hands. We sterilize the abrasions on our skin, and cover them with bandages because we realize if the area is cleansed and sealed off, it will be protected from bacteria. We open cans of food with the confidence that death does not await for us inside.

Yet, in spite of the fact that we live in the assumption that spontaneous generation is a myth, scientists have adopted the theory to explain our origins. Science has disproved the theory, yet we insist on believing in it non-the-less.


Evolution is not Science

Therefore, there is nothing scientific about evolution at all, for the foundational precepts of the theory were first generated long before modern science was born. Evolution is a philosophy, an explanation for the meaning of life, not a scientific fact, which places it along side of religion.

The kind of thinking that underpins evolution is the very thought life that brought the West into one thousand years of ignorance. Evolution, rather than forming a testable theory subject to empirical observation, starts from a premise from which all scientific study is interpreted.

For example, in a evolution-creation debate held in Bakersfield Ca. in the fall of 1994, the evolutionist, Vincent Sarich from the University of California, Berkeley, was asked if evolution is a certainty. In spite of the fact that the one who was contending against him, Dr. Duane Gish from the Institute for Creation Research, brought up a number of scientific facts that clearly contend against the theory of evolution, Sarich dropped a book on the floor to say that evolution was as sure as that. So, when the evolutionist looks at the world, he looks for things that will prove his position.

This is not science at all. For science looks at the creation to draw conclusions about the way that the cosmos works. The evolutionist looks at his theory to draw conclusions for the purpose of describing the world he observes. This is philosophy.

Basing science on philosophy was at the very core of the bleak times that were experienced during the Middle Ages. It was a science founded on the philosophical presumptions of Aristotle.

Scientific observation in Greece and Rome was carried on by the philosophers of these kingdoms. In that regard, Aristotle determined that scientific observation should be founded upon pre-determined postulates. Conclusions would be drawn from these assumptions derived through deductive reasoning exercises. Therefore, scientific conclusions would be drawn according to what was logical to the mind rather than what was observable in the world. Hence, knowledge of the universe was gained through mental exercises rather than examination of the world.

So, when Aristotle, in the 4th century BC, conceived that the earth was round, it was because he had submitted his astronomical observations to philosophical reasoning. Though he was right on that point, the rest of his theory about the heavens was totally misconceived.

Aristotle was the first to develop the Earth-centered view of the universe called the Geocentric World System. This notion supposed that the world was at the center of the universe with all of the planets and stars revolving around it. What Aristotle envisioned was a series of concentric, crystalline spheres revolving around a stationary earth. There was a prime mover that got the whole system in motion, and once this was initiated, the motion of all heavenly bodies around the earth would remain circular, uniform and eternal. But this design was born out of man's pride rather than truth. Only a humanist would insist that he is the center of the universe.

Ptolemy (100-170 AD) picked up on the Aristotelian notion to propagate the Geocentric notion in his publication, the Almagest. This work influenced Western thought to such a degree that it held the mind of man for 14 centuries.

Saint Augustine in the 5th century was held captive to this line of philosophical reasoning. Because he drew conclusions regarding the world from what seemed reasonable to him rather than what could be observed, he dismissed the fact that there could possibly be people who live on the other side of the world.

"As to this nonsense about there being Antipodae, that is to say, men living on the far side of the earth, where the sun rises when it sets for us, men who have their feet facing ours when they walk" he wrote in the City of God, "that is utterly incredible." Rather than leaving the answer to this question up to future generations for the purpose of exploration, Augustine proceeded in an intellectual argument to disprove the possibility of life on the other side of the planet. He was wrong.

However, Augustine can be accredited as being the first Christian to bring knowledge gained in the secular world into the Christian fold. This would soon end, as the Christian Church in the early Middle Ages pretty much shut itself off from Greek and pagan science and philosophy. In addition, very little work was done to continue the search to solve the world's mysteries during the Middle Ages. Of course, this lead to the ignorant assumptions that the world was flat and that a sailing vessel would fall off the end of the world if it traveled too far out into the sea.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire it was the Arabs who preserved the heritage of Greek geography. Then, in the 11th century, science began to decline among the Islamic nations. Ironically, this was the very era that the West, as a result of the conquest of Spain and Sicily, began to become re-interested in philosophical and scientific matters. The Christians began to absorb the vast Greek knowledge absorbed in Arabic and the original work of the Muslim scientists during the previous three centuries.

During the next three centuries, Europe's universities served as centers of scientific study based upon the presumptions of Aristotle. Thomas Aquinas in the middle of the 13th century produced a synthesis between Aristotelian philosophy and Christian doctrine. Aristotle reigned supreme.

It was the misconceptions of Aristotle that Christopher Columbus grappled with as he attempted to persuade King John II of Portugal to support a mission across the Atlantic Ocean. Ironically, this adventurer to the New World had made the assumptions of Augustine, not understanding that there was another continent on the other side of the world that housed people. Likewise, Columbus accepted Ptolemy's underestimation of the circumference of the earth and his over estimation of the Eurasian land mass. In addition, he accepted Marco Polo's erroneous location of Japan.

Thinking the world was smaller than it was, Columbus felt he could sail west across the ocean to find India on the other side. This, he tried to persuade the king, could be accomplished in the sailing vessels of the day. This request was refused by the Portuguese who likewise had underestimated the distance as well, but thought it was none-the-less too far to travel.

So, everyone was caught in the error of bad Aristotelian presumption. The resolution to the matter would require an experiment. Someone would have to actually go out and find out exactly what the truth was. Science would have to be utilized, not based on presumption, but rather on observation. So, thanks to Queen Isabella of Castile, Columbus eventually opened the door of America to Europe.

But it wasn't until the advent of Nicolaus Copernicus that the assumptions of Aristotle were finally brought down. After Copernicus published his De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres) in 1543, the world was never the same. Aiming to restore the purity of ancient Greek astronomy by eliminating the novelties introduced by Ptolemy, Copernicus introduced the idea that the world was not the center of the universe.

Copernicus proposed the Heliocentric World System. This theory assumed that a rotating earth revolving around a stationary sun along with the other planets was a simpler way to understand what astronomers had been observing for centuries in the heavens.

The culture he lived in was infuriated at the notion. The Church, now knee deep in Aristotle, proclaimed Copernicus a heretic. Others argued that if his theory was true then Venus would appear to get lighter and darker as it moved toward and away from the earth. Without the use of telescopes, they were unable to see this occur. However, as the telescope began to come in use, the slight fluctuations in light necessary to support the theory of Copernicus was affirmed.

Again, it was observation that supported the theory of the revolving earth. By introducing mathematical reasoning into cosmology, Copernicus dealt a death blow to Aristotelian common-sense physics. So, it was with Copernicus that modern science was born. Modern science became a discipline founded upon observation rather than presumption.

But presumption is the very foundation of the evolutionists. They revere the assumptions of Darwin as if it was the last word, and therefore have placed themselves into the error of the Middle Ages. It is a dangerous proposition for science when you follow the philosophy of a man rather than what can be observed in the Creation of God.

Jean Lamark (1744-1829) is a prime example of how error has occurred among the evolutionists as a result of their erroneous presumption. Lamark was the first to determine that the Scripture is wrong when it declares that all animals are made after their own kind. In proposing that species and varieties are subject to change and that complex organisms evolved from simpler ones, he pioneered modern evolutionary thought.

But Lamark believed that the species changed through the inheritance of acquired characteristics. For example, possibly there was an ancient fish who wanted to walk on land. So, the fish began to crawl out of the ocean a well as he would given his anatomy. As he kept trying, he was able to stay out of the water longer and longer. Likewise, his fins began to strengthen. The augmentations gained in the fish's body through exercise were passed on to his sons. These young fish were, in turn, better land dwellers because of their father's efforts to build himself up.

Explorations into genetics have convinced evolutionists that Lamark's theory is an unsuitable model for their theory. Instead, they have looked towards natural selection and genetic change as the propellants of evolutionary change.

But remember, it was through incorporating math into scientific study that Copernicus was able to begin the scientific revolution. Mathematicians have proven that the probability of evolution occurring through mere chance through these mechanisms is virtually nil.


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About the Author


Don Wigton is a graduate of the prestigious music department at CSULB where he studied under Frank Pooler, lyricist of Merry Christmas Darling, and sang in Pooler’s world renown University Choir alongside Karen and Richard Carpenter. During this time Don was also the lead composer of the band, Clovis Putney, that won the celebrated Hollywood Battle of the Bands. After giving his life to God, Don began attending Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa to study under some of the most prominent early Maranatha! musicians. Subsequently he toured the Western United States with Jedidiah in association with Myrrh Records.

Eventually Don served as a pastor at Calvary Chapel Bakersfield to witness thousands of salvations through that ministry. As the music/concert director, Don worked for seven years with most major Christian artist of that time while producing evangelical concerts attended by thousands of young people seeking after God. Don’s Calvary Chapel Praise Choir released the album Let All Who Hath Breath Praise the Lord on the Maranatha! label.

The next years of Don’s life were spent as the praise leader of First Baptist Church in Bakersfield during a time of unprecedented church renewal. Don teamed with the leadership to successfully meld the old with the new through a period of tremendous church growth. During this exciting time, Don’s praise team, Selah, produced the CD Stop and Think About It.

Today Don is the leading force behind Wigtune Company. This webbased project located at www.praisesong.net has provided several million downloads of Don’s music and hymn arrangements to tens of thousands of Christian organizations throughout the world. More music can be found at Don's Southern Cross Band website at www.socrossband.com.

The book Holy Wars represents Don’s most recent effort to bless the church with biblical instruction and direction in praise and worship. This heartfelt volume is an offering not only to God’s people, but also to God Himself.


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Winsome International was founded by Dr. John Lavender of First Baptist Church, Bakersfield. Don Wigton of Wigtune Company was the worship and praise leader there during a great growth expansion. Click here to hear the teaching that inspired so many.




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Wigtune Company offers free mp3 Jesus based praise music and song along with traditional Christian hymns performed in a contemporary fashion in order to encourage the body of Christ to blend the old with the new in a scriptural fashion.  An on-line Bible study is offered that goes into the biblical and historical foundation of worship for music ministries, the music minister, praise leader, pastor and serious Bible student.  The study is presented in outline form with relevant scripture references and questions.  Download this helpful work for free! was formed as a service to the body of Christ to encourage scriptural worship. To accomplish this goal Wigtune Company offers free contemporary Christian praise and worship music, contemporary Christian rock and hymn mp3 and chart material along with a free on-line worship study book for personal devotions, Bible study groups, Sunday schools, pastors, music ministers and ministry training.  In order to bridge the gap between the old and the new the worship study book gives solid theological and historical support to the use of traditional Christian hymn-singing in conjunction with praise chorus singing.

Click on one of the links below for praise and worship, praise tabs, worship chords, praise chorus mp3, hymn stories, pro tools studio, worship leader materials to enter into the area of the Wigtune site that interests you !

Wigtune Company believes that the current contention among Christian generations over church music is unnesessary.  One does not have to chose between the classic traditional hymn and the contemporary praise chorus and song.  Solomon declared that there is a place for everything under the sun. The worship musical material and the worship Bible study book offered at the Wigtune website support this theme. Vision Statement    Don and Vanessa Wigton share the vision of Wigtune Company.  Going to this page will inform the WEB surfer the circumstances that lead to the Wigtune offering of praise song and hymn along with the worship Bible study book that lends theology and history based support to the use of traditional Christian hymn singing in conjunction with praise chorus singing.   Wigtune Story    The Wigtune Company free on-line worship Bible study book is a manual for the use of the pastor, teacher, music minister, Bible study group, sunday school and any situation where a theological and historical lesson regarding worship is desired.  The Bible study is presented in outline form with questions that require thoughtful answers to the biblical and history based information that is presented.   Free On-Line Worship Studybook   

Wigtune Company offers free mp3 praise music in the form of tradtional Christian hymn performed in a contemporary manner and modern praise song and choruses mp3s.  Chord charts to many of these song mp3's are available for non-commercial ministry use.  Free Praise and Worship Music Mp3s and Charts   Wigtune Company offers free mp3 praise music in the form of tradtional Christian hymn performed in a contemporary manner and modern praise song and choruses mp3s.  Chord charts to many of these song mp3's are available for non-commercial ministry use.

Wigtune Company offers free mp3 praise music in the form of tradtional Christian hymn performed in a contemporary manner and modern praise song and choruses mp3s.  Chord charts to many of these song mp3's are available for non-commercial ministry use. Wiggy's Top Ten Praise MP3s Wigtune Company offers free mp3 praise music in the form of tradtional Christian hymn performed in a contemporary manner and modern praise song and choruses mp3s.  Chord charts to many of these song mp3's are available for non-commercial ministry use.

Wigtune Company offers free mp3 praise music in the form of tradtional Christian hymn performed in a contemporary manner and modern praise song and choruses mp3s.  Chord charts to many of these song mp3's are available for non-commercial ministry use. Radio: Listen to Wigtune Worship Music on Live Internet Radio

Wigtune Company offers free mp3 praise music in the form of tradtional Christian hymn performed in a contemporary manner and modern praise song and choruses mp3s.  Chord charts to many of these song mp3's are available for non-commercial ministry use.    Wigtune Praise Worship and Hymn CD's

 What are they saying about Wigtune praise and worship contemporary and hymn music   Testimonials: What they are saying about Wigtune Music

Please help Wigtune Company by observing the copyright restrictions listed on this page.  The praise and worship materials (praise songs and hymns) have been offered up for free with love!  Copyright Restrictions    

What do you think of Wigtune's offering of praise music and worship study materials?  Let us know by e-mailing us?   Contact Us    If you have been blessed by the free praise music (praise choruses and traditional hymns) and the worship study book, don't keep it to yourself.  Click here to see how you can spread the word!   Spread the Word!

Bullet1.gif (1151 bytes)  Bible Study Helps, a Multitude of Christian Links and Other Goodies

Click here to find out what organization are utilizing Wigtune contemporary Christian and traditional praise and worship music, chord charts, and online worship Bible study.  Where's Wiggy? - List and Links to Christian Organizations

  Click here to view the Wigtune statement of faith based upon orthodox Christian beliefs.  It is upon this profession that proclaims the doctrines of historical Christianity that the Wigtune praise and worship music and Bible study have been formulated.  Statement of Faith

Click here to view the Wigtune statement of faith based upon orthodox Christian beliefs.  It is upon this profession that proclaims the doctrines of historical Christianity that the Wigtune praise and worship music and Bible study have been formulated.   Special Report: Christianity in Russia - Has Anything Changed?

 The Wigtune Home Page: Free mp3 praise music and hymns sung in a contemporary fashion.  On-line worship study book for Bible students, music ministers, song leaders and pastors is also available!

This WEB page created by

Wigtune Company Praise and Worship Music Resource Center

Last updated on 07/20/12 This worship site for Christians was created in Front Page


Copyright © 1999 Don Wigton. All rights reserved.